
Unlike PHP, in THP all errors must be explicitly declared and handled.

Declare that a function returns an exception

Possible errors have their own syntax: Type!Error. This means: This may be a Type, or an Error.

For example, a function that returned a DivisionByZero may be written like this:

fun invert(Int number) -> Int!DivisionByZero {
  if number == 0
      throw DivisionByZero()

  return 1 / number

In the previous segment, Int!DivisionByZero denotates that the function may return either a DivisionByZero error or an Int.

The throw keyword is used to denotate that an error is being returned.

Multiple error returns

TODO: properly define syntax, how this interacts with type unions.

Multiple errors are chained with !.

fun sample() -> Int!Error1!Error2!Error3 { 
  /* ... */

Error handling

The caller must handle all possible errors, they don’t automatically bubble up the stack.

THP provides syntax for handling errors following certain patterns, via try expressions:

Naked try

Use a naked try when you want to rethrow an error, if there is any.

fun dangerous() -> Int!Exception {   // May throw randomly
    return if Math.random() < 0.5 { 50 }
    else { Exception("Unlucky") }

fun run() -> Void!Exception {   
    // If `dangerous()` throws, the function exits with the same error.
    // Otherwise, continues
    val result = try dangerous()
    print("The result is {result}")

val res1 = run() // First, without error
val res2 = run() // Then, an example with errorthp

In the previous example:


Try/return will return a new value if an expression fails, otherwise will assign the success value and continue.

Try/return will run a function and assign its value if Ok is found. Otherwise, it will return a new value specified by the programmer.

fun run() -> Int
  val result = try dangerous() return 0

  // ...


In the previous example:


Try/else will assign a new value if an expression fails.

fun run(Exception!Int possible_value)
    val mid = try possible_value else 666

    print("The value is: {mid}")

run(777)                // With an actual value
run(Exception("oh uh")) // With an exceptionthp

Either way, the function will continue executing.


Try/catch allows the error to be manually used & handled.

fun run()
  val result = try dangerous()
  catch Exception e
      // This is run if `dangerous()` throws.
      // `e` is the thrown error

      // Handle the error
      // ...

      // Return a new value to be assigned to `result`


A try/catch may have many catch clauses:

try dangerous()
catch Exception1 e
catch Exception2 e
catch Exception3 e