
You can use pipes |> & <| to redirect output from an expression as input to another.

For example, instead of writing:

val result = third_function(second_function(first_function(my_value)))thp

You can use pipes:

val result = my_value
  |> first_function
  |> second_function
  |> third_functionthp

Or use it to group expressions:

print <| (2 + 3 * 4) / 7thp

TBD: How to handle piping to functions with more than 1 param

Function composition

fun add_one(x: Int) -> Int {
  x + 1

fun times_two(x: Int) -> Int {
x * 2

// (Int) -> (Int)
val plus_one_times_2 = add_one >> times_two

print(plus_one_times_2(5)) // 12thp