
THP requires that all datatypes start their name with an uppercase letter.

The following are basic datatypes.


Same as php int

Int age = 32
// Hexadecimal numbers start with 0x
Int red = 0xff0000
// Octal numbers start with 0o
Int permissions = 0o775
// Binary numbers start with 0b
Int char_code = 0b01000110

// Since Octal starts with `0o`, using just a leading 0
// will result in a decimal!
Int not_octal = 032 // This is 32, not 26thp

// TODO: Make it a compile error to have leading zeroes, and force users to use 0o for octal


Same as php float

Float pi = 3.141592
Float light = 2.99e+8thp


THP strings use only double quotes. Single quotes are used elsewhere.

String name = "Rose"thp

Strings have interpolation with {}.

print("Hello, {name}")      // Hello, Rosethp

Unlike PHP, THP strings are concatenated with ++, not with .. This new operator implicitly converts any operator into a string.

val name = "John" ++ " " ++ "Doe"
val greeting = "My name is " ++ name ++ " and I'm " ++ 32 ++ " years old"thp

The plus operator + is reserved for numbers.


THP booleans are true and false. They are case sensitive, only lowercase.

Bool is_true = true
Bool is_false = false

// This is a compile error
val invalid = TRUEthp